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Economy & Wages

Both changing to Daylight Saving Time and remaining on DST have high economic costs, which manifest as stock-market disruption, lost productivity, workplace injuries, healthcare expenses, and overall lower earnings.12345

Workplace injuries in US laborers increase 5.7% in the days after moving clocks forward to DST in spring, due to the sudden loss of an average of 40 minutes of sleep. Injuries increase in severity too, resulting in 67.6% more days lost after moving clocks forward.6 US office productivity drops 20% upon the springtime clock change to DST, for a loss of $434M annually nationwide.78 Stocks drop 200 to 500% more than usual the Monday after moving clocks forward to DST, at a cost of $31B in the US.9 These injuries, missed days, lost productivity, and stock losses don’t reoccur in the autumn return to Standard Time, nor are they ever recouped.689

Economic losses continue under DST beyond the springtime clock change, as seen in data from western and eastern edges of time zones, where sunsets and sunrises naturally differ by an hour. One added hour of sunlight in evenings and its corresponding lost hour in mornings reduce sleep duration by an average of 19 minutes nightly.9101112 This continual loss of sleep every night manifests as health problems (at a cost of $2.35B annually in the US), as lost productivity (totaling 4.4M lost work days, at a cost of $613M annually nationwide), and even as lower earnings (3.0 to 4.9% less than in neighboring counties with a one-hour earlier sunset and sunrise). An increase in average nightly sleep by a full hour can increase earnings by the same amount as half a year of added education would, and it can increase productivity more than an entire year of added education.131415

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Works Cited

1CBC StaffYear-Round Daylight Time Will Cause ‘Permanent Jet Lag,’ Sleep Experts Warn in Letter to GovernmentCBC

2Daily Hive StaffResearchers Support Abolishing Daylight Savings Time for Better Health and Well-BeingDaily Hive

3Jin & ZiebarthSleep, Health, and Human Capital: Evidence from Daylight Saving TimeThe National Bureau of Economic Research

4Kalidindi, AnishaDaylight Saving Time Is Bad for Your Health – We Should Go to Year-Round Standard Time, As the Sun IntendedMassive Science

5Watson, NathanielTime to Show Leadership on the Daylight Saving Time DebateJournal of Clinical Sleep Medicine

6Barnes & WagnerChanging to Daylight Saving Time Cuts into Sleep and Increases Workplace InjuriesJournal of Applied Psychology

7Wagner et alLost Sleep and Cyberloafing: Evidence from the Laboratory and a Daylight Saving Time Quasi-ExperimentJournal of Applied Psychology

8Wagner & BarnesThe Economic Toll of Daylight Saving TimeThe New York Times

9Roenneberg et alDaylight Saving Time and Artificial Time Zones – A Battle Between Biological and Social TimesFrontiers in Physiology

10Cermakian et alTurn Back the Clock on Daylight Savings: Why Standard Time All Year Round Is the Healthy ChoiceThe Globe and Mail

11CSC StaffOfficial Statement of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology in Support of Year-Round Standard TimeCanadian Society for Chronobiology

12Curtis, AnnieDaylight Saving Time: Harmed by Hands of the ClockThe Irish Times

13Gibson & ShraderTime Use and Productivity: The Wage Returns to SleepWilliams College Department of Economics Working Papers

14Giuntella & MazzonnaSunset Time and the Economic Effects of Social Jetlag Evidence from US Time Zone BordersJournal of Health Economics

15Ingraham, ChristopherHow Living on the Wrong Side of a Time Zone Can Be Hazardous to Your HealthThe Washington Post