Energy & Environment
DST observation (not the changing of clocks) wastes energy and increases pollution. Artificially moving an hour of daylight from mornings to evenings might reduce evening lighting costs as originally promised, but any savings is canceled by increased morning lighting. Furthermore, modern lighting is not a considerable energy expense when compared to the far-less efficient expenses of heating and air conditioning.12345
DST increases demand both for morning heat and evening air conditioning.13456 DST also encourages more evening driving, which led the petroleum industry to become a major lobby for DST.12578 These increases to heating, air conditioning, and driving all increase energy costs, pollution, and climate change.12345
When Indiana changed from permanent Standard Time to summertime DST in 2007, annual consumer electricity demand rose 1 to 4%. This jump cost residents an extra $9M per year in utilities, and up to $5.5M annually in added pollution expenses.1349 The same effect was seen in Sydney, Australia, when DST was extended for the 2000 Summer Olympics.2 Energy waste could be even worse in regions with greater populations or more extreme weather.3
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Works Cited
1Daylight Saving Time Does Not Save
2Daylight Saving Time 2013: When Does It End? And Why?National Geographic
3Does Daylight Saving Time Save Energy? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in IndianaThe National Bureau of Economic Research
4Does Daylight Saving Time Save Electricity?Centre for Economic Policy Research
5Why Daylight Saving Time Is Bad for the EnvironmentThe Star
6Daylight Saving Time Isn’t Saving Much EnergyThe New York Times
7The Reasoning Behind Changing Daylight-SavingNPR
8Do We Still Need Daylight Saving Time?Mother Nature Network