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Ditch Daylight Saving Time (fast time) and restore permanent Standard Time (natural time), for the health, mood, safety, education, and economy of schoolchildren, commuters, farmers, construction workers, and more!

Permanent Standard Time alone can end clock change quickly, safely, and fairly, as most people wish.1 It can do so without delaying sunrise, for well-being and prosperity. Permanent Standard Time has been observed for decades in Arizona, Hawaii, all five US territories, and most nations. Most of Mexico restored permanent Standard Time in late 2022,2 and more American states now have permanent Standard Time bills than ever before. Permanent Standard Time would protect start times for schoolchildren and essential workers (farmers, police, firefighters, commercial drivers, transit operators, healthcare personnel, teachers, and more) by letting most sleep naturally past sunrise most days.3456 Its benefits to circadian health would improve immunity, longevity, mood, alertness, and performance in school, sports, and work. It can prevent traffic deaths, lower crime, and reduce chronic illnesses.789 Standard Time is the honest and natural clock, set to the sun (also known for this reason as God’s time), which balances morning and evening light fairly.

Some might consider permanent DST, but history and science show this is worse than biannual clock change. Permanent DST would delay sunrise past 8am (when most school/work begins)1011 more than three months in most states, and later even than 8:45am for a week in most states. It increased deaths and injuries when last attempted in the US.1213 It would force constituents to wake an hour early relative to solar time every weekday all winter. Americans rejected permanent DST in 1974, and it failed in several other years and places.12141516 It would deprive morning light needed by farmers and construction workers.5 It would revert benefits of starting school later.46 It would delay radio broadcasts of morning news until most people have begun work.17 It would increase need for morning heat and evening air conditioning in homes.18 It would disrupt worship for those who pray at sunrise.19 Moving clocks to DST acutely deprives sleep; leaving clocks on DST chronically deprives sleep. DST’s delayed sunrise significantly increases accidents, disease, and healthcare costs. It significantly decreases learning, productivity, and earnings.2021222324 Let those who prefer DST wake themselves early.

Scores of organizations and hundreds of researchers, physicians, teachers, parents, religious leaders, and journalists on the right and left oppose DST and endorse permanent Standard Time. Among these are the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms,9 Sleep Research Society,25 National Sleep Foundation,26 American Academy of Sleep Medicine,7 American College of Chest Physicians,7 National Safety Council,7 National PTA,7 editorial boards of Bloomberg,27 The Star Tribune,28 The Oregonian,29 The Sun Sentinel,30 writers from Cato,31 The Daily Wire,32 Breaking Points,33 and many others.

Please hear the nonpartisan consensus of history, science, and common sense. Save time, money, and lives. Make clocks honest again! Let’s ditch DST and restore permanent Standard Time.

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Works Cited

1American Academy of Sleep MedicineEliminating Seasonal Time ChangesAASM Sleep Prioritization Survey

2Perlmutter, LillianMexico Falls Back but Won’t Spring Forward as Summer Time AbolishedThe Guardian

3Borisenkov et alSeven-Year Survey of Sleep Timing in Russian Children and AdolescentsBiological Rhythm Research

4Cell Press StaffPermanent DST May Cancel Out Changes to School Start TimesEurekAlert!

5Schlanger, ZoëDaylight Saving Time as Americans Know It Was Instituted by Corporate Lobbies, Not FarmersQuartz

6Skeldon & DijkSchool Start Times and DST Confuse California LawmakersCurrent Biology

7American Academy of Sleep MedicineCall for Elimination of Daylight Saving TimeJournal of Clinical Sleep Medicine

8Juda et alAn Open Letter to the BC Government in Support of Permanent Standard TimeSimon Fraser University

9Society for Research on Biological RhythmsWhy Should We Abolish DST?Journal of Biological Rhythms

10Centers for Disease Control and PreventionSchool Start Times for Middle School and High School Students – United States, 2011–12 School YearMorbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

11Silver, NateWhich Cities Sleep In, and Which Get to Work EarlyFiveThirtyEight

12Ripley, AnthonySenate Votes Return to Standard Time for Four Months and Sends Bill to FordThe New York Times

13Sehlstedt, AlbertBids to Kill Daylight Time HeardThe Baltimore Sun

14BBCRussia: Putin Abolishes ‘Daylight Savings’ Time ChangeBBC News

15CongressCongressional RecordLibrary of Congress

16Yorkshire Evening Post NewsroomWhy Do We Change Clocks?Yorkshire Evening Post

17Stine, RandyExtending DST Saving Time Could Hurt AMRadio World

18Kotchen & GrantDoes DST Save Electricity?Centre for Economic Policy Research

19Agudath Israel of AmericaAgudath Israel Helps Stop Permanent ‘Daylight Saving’ Bill, Exceedingly Disruptive to Orthodox Jewish LifeRecent News

20Gibson & ShraderTime Use and Productivity: The Wage Returns to Sleep_

21Giuntella & MazzonnaSunset Time and the Economic Effects of Social Jetlag Evidence from US Time Zone BordersJournal of Health Economics

22Gu et alLongitude Position in a Time Zone & Cancer Risk in the US_

23Jin & ZiebarthSleep, Health, and Human Capital: Evidence from DST_

24Roenneberg et alDaylight Saving Time and Artificial Time Zones – A Battle Between Biological and Social TimesFrontiers in Physiology

25Malow, Beth ASleep Research Society Position Statement Supports Adoption of Permanent Standard TimeSleep Research Society

26National Sleep FoundationPermanent Standard Time: A Position Statement from the National Sleep FoundationIssues

27Bloomberg Editorial BoardJust Say No to Permanent DSTBloomberg

28Star Tribune Editorial BoardPermanent Daylight Saving Time: An Idea Whose Time Has Not Come AgainStar Tribune

29Oregonian Editorial BoardA Wake-up Call to Ditch DSTThe Oregonian

30Sun–Sentinel Editorial BoardChasing Daylight, Rubio Descends into DarknessSouth Florida Sun–Sentinel

31Lincicome, ScottEnd DSTThe Dispatch

32Meads, TimReturn to God’s Time by Rejecting the Senate’s Plan to Make Daylight Saving Time PermanentThe Daily Wire

33Enjeti, SaagarWhy Permanent Daylight Saving Time Is a Terrible IdeaBreaking Points